Casablanca, Maroc
+212 522 725 792

Mission, vision and values

Our mission, vision and values

Our mission is the reason we exist. Our vision reflects who we are and what we want to be. Our values guide our actions and decisions.


Our mission is to illuminate the path and facilities of Africa and the world. We take the world as our market, but Africa as our responsibility, a responsibility to contribute to its development, because without light there is no vision, without vision there is no innovation and without innovation there is no development.


Lux Lighting, a company that aims to make Morocco an international platform of light, illuminating the night world for citizens to live in peace and for tourists to enjoy their travels and destinations by night and day.

With us, the future is certain, certain to achieve new records, and to accompany new cities in their urbanization strategies based on the concept of the smart city, a concept that does not cease to innovate, where the “Research and Development” teams continue to bring new ideas, modern concepts, tailor-made solutions for the challenges of every day.

Lux Lighting is confident in its skills, teams and achievements to build a better future for the urban lighting industry, Morocco, the African continent and the world.


Lux Lighting, une entreprise qui vise à faire du Maroc une plateforme internationale de lumière, qui illumine le monde nocturne pour que les citoyens vivent en toute sérénité et que les touristes profitent de leurs voyages et leurs destinations de nuit comme de jour. 

Chez nous l’avenir est certain, certain de réaliser de nouveaux palmarès, et d’accompagner de nouvelles villes dans leurs stratégies d’urbanisation basée sur le concept de la smart city, un concept qui ne cesse pas de s’innover, où les équipes “Recherche et Développement” continuent sans cesse d’apporter de nouvelles idées, des concepts modernes, des solutions sur mesure pour des challenges et défis de chaque jour. 

Lux Lighting est confiante en ses compétences, ses équipes et ses réalisations pour construire un avenir meilleur pour l’industrie de la lumière urbaine, le Maroc, le continent africain et le monde entier.

Advice and support

Contact our lighting experts.

In order to accompany you, Lux Lighting is at your entire disposal to create and develop with you, and for you, innovative connected decorative sets adapted to your needs for the beautification of your spaces and your city.
Fill out the form and send us your request.

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